"Ketches of South Australia" by Ronald Parsons describes "Free Selector" as a round stern, carvel built ketch, built in 1875 at Port adelaide.  An auxilliary engine was fitted in 1929.  Owned by J Taylor, 1885 - Coombe & Delmont, 1890 - CE Delmont, 1893 -


"Ketches of South Australia" by Ronald Parsons describes "Free Selector" as a round stern, carvel built ketch, built in 1875 at Port adelaide. An auxilliary engine was fitted in 1929. Owned by J Taylor, 1885 - Coombe & Delmont, 1890 - CE Delmont, 1893 - JS Lasman. Wrecked at Outer Harbour, Port Adelaide on September the 5th, 1942. Badly damaged in the Port River, May 11, 1922, by a collision with the steamship Yarra, and foundered, and was then salvaged. Dimensions: length 62'1", breadth 18'9", draught 6'1" Official Number: 71761 This image shows vessel on land, hull being built, with workmen atop.




South Australian Maritime Museum, donated by Mr Keith LeLeu

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