"Kermandie", the last four masted sailing ship to trade in Australian waters.  Built in 1920 by CM McKay of Hobart.  An auxilliary engined wooden schooner with a gross tonnage of 343.  This well known Tasmanian worked continuously until about 1946, often


"Kermandie", the last four masted sailing ship to trade in Australian waters. Built in 1920 by CM McKay of Hobart. An auxilliary engined wooden schooner with a gross tonnage of 343. This well known Tasmanian worked continuously until about 1946, often in the Tasmania - Melbourne trade and usually carrying timber. In 1946 she nearly sank in Bass Strait. She was patched up in Melborne to return to Hobart, laid up until 1948 and then completely refitted to resume trading across the strait. On September 6 1957 she was wrecked about 6 miles from Stanley, Tasmania. Her remains were sold as scrap. Dimensions - length 141'9", breadth 35'0", draught 11'0" This image shows vessel at sea with no sail, off Stanley, Tasmania.




South Australian Maritime Museum, donated by Mr Keith LeLeu

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