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Captain James Dalrymple left the Downs on 16 April 1818, bound for China on Cabalva's fourth journey. On 22 June, Cabalva sprang a leak off the Cape of Good Hope and Dalrymple set course for Bombay for repairs.[7]
On 7 July Cabalva ran ashore on the rocky uninhabited island of Cargados, Cargados Carajos shoals. Captain Dalrymple, Assistant Surgeon Grant, and 15 seamen were the last to leave the wreck in the longboat. All were drowned when it capsized in heavy seas.[2] [3]
The ship's cutter survived and a party of ten men set out on 13 July for Mauritius to get help. They arrived there on 17 July and HMS Magicienne and HMS Challenger set out immediately, arriving at the wreck site on 20 July. Magicienne remained on site to salvage what she could from the wreck site. Challenger removed the survivors and landed them at Mauritius.
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