Mr. Nelson SMITH



Nelson came from Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England, with his father James Henry and step-mother Hester nee Gainer. Also in the family group were his brothers John Henry and Samuel James and sisters Mary Jane, Louisa Elizabeth, Amelia Anne and Esther Emily. Mary was quickly married to Alfred Keen in Adelaide and the remainder of the family settled at Brighton on the coast. James Henry became the Town Clerk at Brighton for four years, He is buried in the church graveyard of St Jude's Anglican Church as were Hester and Esther Emily. Three of the now young adults went to Kingston - John and Nelson setting up a blacksmithing and wheelwright business and Amelia who subsequently married Edmund Eager. Louisa married George Levason George, a dentist and moved to Melbourne, Victoria, where she was joined by the last of the brothers Samuel James who also learnt the dentist and surgeon trade. Samuel married Marion Johnson and they had two children before he ended up in Pentridge Gaol. On his release he disappeared from records and his wife re-married to George Clark. Nelson died a young man. He had been kicked in the head by a horse and died soon after from anemia. His wife was Alice nee O'Donnell and they had five children - John, Thomas, Alfred, Alice and Winifred. John Henry also tragically died having thrown himself into a well in a fit of despair. With his wife Mary Ann nee North they had four children - William, Ada, John and Alfred.

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