Jannine Jones (not verified) on Sun, 2020-08-30 20:44
Hello all,
My grandfather was shipwrecked at or near the Canary Islands during the period 1870 - 1890 presumably en route to Australia. Unknown ship
During his time there, he managed to carve a beautiful teak walking stick using a quill pen nib and a pocket knife (according to my mother), which I still possess.
His name was Howard Whiteman Musson born London 1851, died Melbourne 1916. He joined the Royal Navy at age 15 and became Ordinary Seaman aboard HMS Minotaur (Flagship of the British medditeranean Fleet), until about 1872, then joined the Merchant Navy.
Upon 'turning up' in Australia (earliest date 1892) he became a Plumber in Melbourne and married my grandmother in 1907. My mother was born in 1912, and strangely he named her Phoenix Caneriensis Rebecca, most likely a reference to the
Canary Island palms, and a name my mother hated and had removed by deed poll.
However, I believe this ship, the 'City of Seringapatam' may well have been the ship.
A D JOHNSON (not verified) on Thu, 2020-11-19 03:43
Dear Jenny,
The City of Seringapatam was wrecked on the Cape Verde Islands in 1877. I'm researching her fate for a magazine article.
Hope this helps.
Alan Johnson
Hello all,
Dear Jenny,
Your Stories