Ship Details


Steel Screw 4 mast Steamer, 453 nhp



Built In


3,788g 2,423n


400.0 x 40.3 x 28.7


Duke of Westminster Steamship Co.Ld.(J.B.Westray & Co.), reg. Barrow.



I believe my great great grandfather and family migrated to Queensland on this ship and landed in Brisbane or in the north because their are gravestone records of the family in Charters Towers cemetaries - might have done some gold seeking.

G'day Des, Was your GG Grandfather David Mead? He arrived in Cooktown on the Duke of Westminster in 1883. I so please get in touch. Cheers, Tony Mead

My Great Grandmother & Grandfather, Sarah Ann (nee Walpole) & James William Smith and their 2 small children Ernest and Ellen arrived in Brisbane on 6th July 1886. Their first born in Australia was Louisa, who married John Edward Musters Oliver. They were my Grandparents. Also a passenger on the ship was Sarah’s brother, Thomas Walpole. They all came from Lincolnshire. J.E.M. Oliver arrived in Brisbane on “The Duke of Argyll” on 4th February 1888.

My GG Grandmother arrived in Brisbane on this ship in 1885 aged 6. She was with her Step Father - Samuel Dodd and his son Herbert.

I am reading some letters of my great, great uncle who went to Australia in 1883. He landed on 4th October and was expecting to be in Brisbane but landed at Mackey. He was going to be a bricklayer. He mentions The Duke of Westminster in his letter, saying "they would not let her land as the smallpox is very bad on board and there is 85 died from it."

In my Grandmother's papers, she states she and her parents (John & Janet Shepherd) traveled to American aboard the DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, landing in Norfolk, VA. I have been unable to find any record. It would have been between 1883 and 1885. I believe they would have been coming to West Virginia to join Janet's sister's family. Do any manifests exist for this timeframe?

Just started on this family history journey. Trying to trace Thomas Hinsley, son of John Hinsley and Ann Cawkwell. Sailed to Brisbane arriving on 21st May 1913. My great grandmother was his sister I believe.

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