Jervis Bay

Ship Details


HM Ship


On 5 November 1940, HMS Jervis Bay was sunk in the Atlantic by the German pocket battleship Admiral Scheer after the convoy Jervis Bay was escorting came under attack. Jervis Bay turned toward the Admiral Scheer and diverted her fire while the 38 ship convoy HX84 which included the cargo liner Rangitiki escaped. Her captain, E.F.S Fegan (a former commanding officer at the RAN College at Jervis Bay) was killed and the ship sank with the loss of 198 men. Fegan received a posthumous Victoria Cross for his actions during this engagement. Five ships from the convoy were sunk by the Scheer but most were able to escape. One merchant ship, the Swedish registered Stureholm turned back and was able to rescue 65 officers and men from the Jervis Bay.



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