Ship Details


Steel aux.3 mast Schooner, 152 bhp



Built In


165g 92n


101.7 x 19.3 x 11.5


R.M.Crouch, reg. Port Adelaide. 1959 Oct.27: Capsized and sunk in Spencers Gulf near Franklin Harbour, with the loss of the captain & five crew, only one survivor. Salvaged 1961: Re-registered as a Steel aux.Ketch 167g 94n, now 103.7 x 19.3 x 8.2. M.G.Crouch. 1963 May: Transferred to Launceston operating to Flinders Island & renamed.



I have just read that part of the Leillateah, and later remodelled into the Milton Crouch, was found near Cowell South Australia , was some of the original timber from the leillateah left on when it was remodelled ? It is in the Cowel museum South Australia and has “ leillateah Melbourne” written on it, it traded out of Port Adelaide for 50 years before being sold to Crouch shipping where as the Milfred Crouch kit sunk near Cowell.

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