Panther Modify Page Content Ship Details Rig East India Company ship VoyagesView Full List 1790 Panther Bombay Bombay Media Upload Media Sources Reference Journal, 23/08/1790 - 28/12/1792 by John McCluer Location British Museum, London 19301 Reference Journal by Lieutenant John Wedgeborough (after John McCluer) Location National Library of Australia, Canberra MS 4088 Reference Extracts of letters, 1792 - 1793 by Lieutenant McCluer regarding Pelew Islands and Papua New Guinea Location Melville Papers, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh MS 1068, FF. 40-65 Reference John Pearce Hockin - A Supplement to the account of the Pelew Islands (London 1803) Your Stories Your name * E-mail * Post your story * Submit Leave this field blank Share this Page Share this ship with your friends and followers online.
Reference Journal by Lieutenant John Wedgeborough (after John McCluer) Location National Library of Australia, Canberra MS 4088
Reference Extracts of letters, 1792 - 1793 by Lieutenant McCluer regarding Pelew Islands and Papua New Guinea Location Melville Papers, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh MS 1068, FF. 40-65
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