Depart Date
Wednesday, April 11, 1855
Arrive Date
Sunday, July 29, 1855
Journey Notes
The Time and Truth sailed from Gravesend on the 24th April, and have very rough weather when off the Island of Madeira. Fair weather was experienced until reaching the longitude of the Cape of Good Hope where heavy gales set in. Vessels spoken during the voyage:- May 22nd, in lat.3°38'N, lon.17°20'W.,the Isabella Blyth, from London, bound to Mauritius, out 24 days; July 24th, in lat.37°9'S., lon.114°32'E., the ship Hooghly, Rich master, from Adelaide, bound for Colombo, out 23 days, all well.
The Time and Truth was brought up to the wharf by the steam-tug last evening.
The Time and Truth released from quarantine.-
This vessel, reported on Monday, was visited at an early hour yesterday by Dr.Duncan, the Health Officer. The Captain reported that during the voyage 12 cases of small-pox had taken place, all being adult and passengers, the crew had entirely escaped attack. Only two of the cases were confluent small-pox, one of which, we regret to state, proved fatal on the 9th June, to Miss Betsy Randall, daughter of Mr.W.B.Randall of Gumeracha, who, with his family, are passengers. Captain Dobb having positively assured Dr.Duncan that all the bedding and apparel of the patients had been thrown overboard, and the cabins thoroughly cleansed after the last case showed itself: and Dr.Duncan having satisfied himself, by personal inspection of her cabins and 'tweendecks, he pronounced her to be released from quarantine, to the great joy of the passengers, who appear in high spirits in again reaching their homes - many of the cabin passengers being old colonists. Register 1/8/1855
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