20/07/1856 - 27/10/1856

Ship Summary





Depart Date

Saturday, July 19, 1856


Arrive Date

Sunday, October 26, 1856

Journey Notes

This ship, chartered a second time for South Australia by the Emigration Commission, arrived yesterday, as elsewhere reported, the voyage from Southampton being accomplished in 99 days. The Surgeon-Superintendent, Dr.O'Donnell reports most favourably on the emigrants, who seem to have been selected with care and judgement. The number of children under twelve years, however, appears disproportionate, being 67 out of a total not exceeding 246. The single women are 18 in number, and the single men something under 50. The duties of the surgeon have been more than usually onerous, in consequence of some of the young children having suffered from hooping-cough previous to leaving England, and the subsequent appearance of measles, by which three of them died. During a heavy gale, on the 1st October, and subsequently, three of the adult male emigrants, W.Osbourne, J.Francis and D.Jones, met with accidents so severe as to require very careful surgical attendance.... Register 28/10/1856


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