Depart Date
Monday, October 1, 1860
Arrive Date
Wednesday, January 2, 1861
Journey Notes
The arrival of the above ship took place on Thursday morning when she was boarded shortly after daylight, and proved to be 94 days out from London, which is a favourable passage at this season of the year. Captain Collie reports speaking the troop-ship Star Queen proceeding to New Zealand from Bombay, and having on board 562 soldiers as reinforcements in suppressing the outbreak among the Maories. She was spoken on the 23rd December in lat.42°17', long.105°45' and desired to be reported all well on board. Immediately on Mr.Germein taking charge of the Countess she proceeded over the bar in to the harbour, and as early as possible she will land some very fine stock which has been imported by her. Register 4/1/1861
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