Depart Date
Saturday, July 5, 1862
Arrive Date
Monday, September 29, 1862
Journey Notes
The Murray, from London and Plymouth, arrived on Tuesday morning, at an early hour, after a fine passage of 79 days from the latter port. She looks in good sailing trim, and during the voyage she has made several smart 24 hour runs. Captain Legoe furnished the following abstract:- Sailed from Plymouth at 6 pm on Saturday the 12th of July, and during the first eight days at sea experienced a continuation of light head winds and calms. On July 20th, spoke the ship Westburn, bound from London to Melbourne, and on the 22nd the barque General Havelock, 17 days out from London,. bound to Port Natal. On July 24th, passed the Island of Madeire during very fine weather, and on the 30th overhauled and spoke the ship Whitehall, bound from Cardiff to Port Louis, 15 days out; on Thursday, July 31st, the barque Chalco, homeward bound; and on the following day the ship Affghan from Liverpool, bound to Calcutta, 28 days out. On August 9th, exchanged signals with the ship Wooloomooloo from London, 32 days out, bound to Sydney, and on the 12th August crossed the Equator with a fine steady S.S.E. wind. On September 1 st, crossed the meridian of Greenwich in latitude 41°30'S., and passed Kangaroo Island on the 29th, thus making a remarkably fine run from the Cape. She brings a full complement of passengers and a general cargo, and from her draught of water she will most probably be moored in the harbour this morning. The passengers were brought up to the Port in the steamer Sturt, which was engaged for that purpose. Register 1/10/1862
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