Depart Date
Friday, July 3, 1863
Arrive Date
Thursday, September 24, 1863
Journey Notes
The Adamant.- In noticing the arrival of the Adamant, it is certainly credible to the Commissioners to state that she is equal to any vessel in her adaptability to the transport of passengers, and the rapidity of her passage shows that though not a clipper she can sail very fairly. She lest Plymouth on July 4, and for some days experienced very light baffling weather, which was not favourable for a quick passage; but notwithstanding this inconvenience she crossed the Line on 3rd August, and rounded the Cape of Good Hope on the 20th. It was about this time that the only heavy weather of the voyage was encountered, but though some strong gales fell on the barque, no damage was sustained. There are no entries of importance in the log-book, and beyond carrying away studding-sail gear and booms, there was but one noticeable feature, which was the fall of a seaman from the foretop, to the deck without inflicting on himself serious injury, though he descended from so precipitately was almost 50 feet. The Adamant was signaled at Yankalilla during the early part of Friday, but did not reach the anchorage till late at night, when she was anchored, and on the following day, Dr.Duncan having visited her, the immigrants commenced debarkation, and about 100 landed on Saturday at the Semaphore Jetty, causing the Peninsula road to present quite an animated appearance by the stream of persons who continued till a late hour to visit the vessel. It was anticipated at one time that the pilot would sail her into harbour, but the wind was too scant and she anchored for the night. Register 28/9/1863
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