02/11/1864 - 20/02/1865

Ship Summary




Depart Date

Tuesday, November 1, 1864


Arrive Date

Sunday, February 19, 1865

Journey Notes

With 281 Souls; Government Assisted Migrants. The Matilda Atheling is a ship of almost 700 tons, which arrived with immigrants on Monday afternoon, but unfortunately at a period when the tides were taking off, consequently she will remain in the anchorage for a few days. From Captain Power's report, he sailed from Plymouth on November 24, and the 26th commenced with strong N.W. gales attended by hail showers. The vessel was for a time under three close-reefed topsails when the lat.48°43'N. long.1°7'W. It moderated somewhat on the 27th. But the following day went round to S.W. and blew violently. The early part of December appeared to have been fine, and on the 10th sighted Madeira; at 2pm. passed the eastern end, distant about seven miles, with fine northerly winds and favourable weather; at 8 p.m. passed the island of Begin, distant four miles; then steered a course S.W. by W. till the 15th, when a steady trade set in at N.E. by E., and for a few days good progress was made. On December 27, crossed the Equator in 27°42'W., being then 34 days from Plymouth. On Friday, January 6, lost the S.E. trades in lat.25°31'S. long.32°29'W.,and three days light airs and variables predominated while crossing the calm belt of Capricorn. On January 13th at noon, Tristan d'Acusha and Inaccessible Islands in sight, bearing N.E. distant about 45 miles, and from this time till reaching the Crozets the prevailing wind was N.E.. The only heavy gale experienced up to this period occurred in lat.45°48'S.,long.34°10'E., when the barometer fell to 29°17 with the wind at E.N.E. afterwards veering to W.N.W. The vessel was hove to under a close-reefed maintopsail when a sea broke on-board, carrying away 12 feet of bulwark and breaking several of the skylights. On Sunday, January 29, in lat.45°S.,long.47°29'E.,the vessel was 67 days out, when another strong breeze assailed her from N.E. veering to the northward, being from a totally opposite direction to that usually experienced on that parallel. From the Crozets it continued northerly until she reached 115°E., when it shifted to the southward for several days. Cape Borda was made on February 18 at 3 o'clock, bearing E.N.E., distant about 30 miles, and on the 20th came to anchor in the roadstead near the lightship, being 88 days from Plymouth. Register 22/2/1865


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