Depart Date
Sunday, April 22, 1866
Arrive Date
Monday, September 3, 1866
Journey Notes
The Ernestine, a fine ship of over a thousand tons, was sighted from the Semaphore Station on Tuesday morning, but the wind being from the Northward there was little prospect of boarding her until it shifted, and she made a straight course to her anchorage where she will remain for several days, as her draught of water is too great for the bars. Captain Sterry reports a passage of 104 days from final departure. The early part was marked by very light airs and calms, and on making southing, heavy gales set in, which continued till passing Madeira. Indeed, for ten days she was hauled on a taut bowline with S.W. breezes, and subsequently the N.E. trades were scarcely perceptible. But with all those circumstances against her, the Line was crossed on June 19 in lat. 27°3', and from there along the Brazilian coast head winds predominated; but a shift ensued and a good run to the eastward was made, especially after passing the Cape, from which point only 32 days elapsed before making Cape Borda. The voyage has passed away without any extraordinary incident of any kind, the monotony being only broken by occasional speaking vessels, none of which, however, were connected with the colony. Captain Sterry has previously visited Port Adelaide; But it was many years back on the Amazon, and his expectations of the improvements made during his absence will, in all probability, be realized, since his experience extends to the days of holes and creeks throughout the Port streets. Register 5/9/1866 With 337 Souls.
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