Depart Date
Friday, October 30, 1874
Arrive Date
Tuesday, January 19, 1875
Journey Notes
Via Plymouth (4 Nov). The Collingrove has made her voyage from England with her customary regularity, and but for adverse winds at the very last stage she would have been here on the 18th. As it was, every one was pleased to note Captain Angel had passed the Jervis early on Wednesday morning, but it was late at night before he anchored in the roads. There were several expectants on the pier ready to go off and welcome the good ship. All her people were reported well, and some who not long ago left our, shores as invalids have returned with renewed vigour. The voyage has been a pleasant one, but nothing of note has occurred, beyond the usual everyday life of a passenger ship. She weighed anchor from Plymouth Sound on November 4, and for three following days had light variable winds and calms. Soon after a fine norther set in, and extremely rapid progress was made through the north-east trades. On November 25, when 21 days out from Plymouth, the Line was crossed. Subsequently there ensued fine S.E. trades, which helped the good ship as far as eight degrees of south latitude, where on November 30 she fell in with the City of Berlin homeward bound, and by her forwarded letters. Light airs and calms followed until December 7. This most vexatious interval of calms was very irritating, as the vessel made but 400 miles in a week. During the time there were several vessels in company enduring the same fate. Soon after some good running was commenced, which continued until the meridian of the Cape was reached on December 25. Splendid work followed while crossing the Southern Ocean, and even up to 130° of east longitude. There the wind fell very light, and it was January 19 before sighting the land. On making Kangaroo Island the ship was worked up for the Passage, and came through at midnight. She looks as well as ever, and all her gear and appliances appear to be in excellent order. Register 21/1/1875.
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