Depart Date
Wednesday, November 29, 1876
Arrive Date
Monday, January 15, 1877
Journey Notes
The Alumbagh, which arrived early on Friday morning, is a fine old vessel which has been a great favourite while taking passengers to and from India. She recently quitted that line, and having fitted up for immigrants took in a full cargo below decks, and then sailed for Plymouth, where she received on board a full complement of emigrants under the superintendence of Dr.Worthington. On December 15 she made a start with a light south wind blowing, which afterwards increased to a strong gale as the vessel cleared the Scilly Islands on the 16th. Thence to 35°N., strong west-north-west winds continued, rendering it a difficult task to get to the south-west; but on reaching 35°., light southerly winds were experienced, and these were again followed by a succession of hard S.W. gales. On New Year's Day she passed Madeira. Soon after the wind fell light, and the vessel finally worked round to the north-east trades, which continued very light indeed. On the 10th an opportunity was afforded of making up and dispatching a mail bag by the homeward bound barque Huntley Castle, from Mauritius, bound to Queenstown, 57 days out. In latitude 3°., the wind came up light from the south-east, and on the 23rd the Line was crossed in 28°W. The southerly trades were also very scant and variable, and so far south that the vessel was driven well over towards the South American coast. They were finally lost altogether in 27°. On the 9th she sighted the Island of Tristan d'Acunha, and crossed the meridian of Greenwich in 41°40'S., on February 12. On the 17th of that month, she had reached well off the pitch of the Cape in 44°S., and then proceeded to run down the easting between the parallels of 45° and 46°. On Friday 24 she sighted the Crozets, and from long. 58°E., had strong north and north-north-east winds, which took the vessel on to long. 116°E., when it shifted right to north-north-east, and drove the ship to the southward. On march 15, Cape Borda was sighted at 8am, and on Friday morning, at about 3, the vessel was boarded somewhere outside the Bell Buoy. At 10 o'clock the signal was made for a steam-tug, and the vessel being of easy draught, she was to be towed in on the evenings tide. Register 17/3/1877
With 353 passengers
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