03/02/1877 - 27/03/1877

Ship Summary





Depart Date

Friday, February 2, 1877


Arrive Date

Monday, March 26, 1877

Journey Notes

The Elizabeth had a fine weather passage though-out the entire distance from Port Louis. She left there on February 3 with a light northerly wind which continued until the 9th, at which time it veered to the southward, continuing until the 14th, when there was every appearance of an approaching hurricane. It, however, ended in a strong breeze, and then relapsed into light winds and variables. On February 22nd she sighted the Island of Amsterdam, and from there to the longitude of Cape Leeuwin the weather was extremely fine. A fresh southerly wind followed, which on the 15th veered round to east, and rendered the conclusion of the passage somewhat protracted. The Elizabeth passed Cape Borda on Sunday night, and on Monday reached the harbour. Register 27/3/1877


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