Depart Date
Monday, November 27, 1876
Arrive Date
Monday, January 15, 1877
Journey Notes
The Mangalore is another large iron ship with a few passengers and a lot of cargo. She has made a tolerably fair passage from land to land, but was retarded before quitting the Channel by contrary winds, and humbugged after making the land here, with calms and light variables. The ship left London on November 28, and on the night of the 29th was through the Downs. She slowly made her way down Channel to the Scilly Islands. Strong W.N.W. W.S.W. gales there set in, and it was some little time before getting away west of Cape Clear. When she was away on her ocean course the winds remained light from the northward, and the trades which supervened were scarcely perceptible. The Line was crossed on January 5 in 28°W., and on the 14th she sighted the Isle of Trinidad. Down to the meridian of the Cape, very fine weather prevailed, but after that it came down pretty sharply for a couple of days; but the passage of the Southern Ocean was very fine throughout. Register 17/3/1877
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