Depart Date
Thursday, February 14, 1878
Arrive Date
Wednesday, May 8, 1878
Journey Notes
The Loch Awe was the second ship, and a handsomer craft has seldom been here. She brought a general cargo, and in addition about 30 assisted immigrants. She left London on February 15. She had S.W. winds down Channel, and on the 19th took departure from the Start. Moderate weather continued till picking up the trades on the 3rd March in 37°N., and on the 20th she crossed the Equator in 25°W. On April 15 the Loch Awe was off the Cape in 42°S., and then increased southing to about 44°, in which the ocean was crossed. The whole of the passage has proved a fine-weather one, there having been no occasion to reef the topsails, and the maintopgallantsail having been stowed but twice. The ship is of easy draught, and will go into harbour on the early springs. Register 10/5/1878
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