Depart Date
Saturday, December 16, 1854
Arrive Date
Tuesday, April 17, 1855
Journey Notes
The barque Duke of Wellington, of Glasgow, made the voyage from London 112 days, and the passage from Torbay in 110 days. The last mentioned roadstead was resorted to through stress of weather. The arrival at the lightship is elsewhere reported. From the log it may be learned that the barque was for three days contending with a head wind since she entered upon the waters of this province. Referring to the former part of the voyage, it may be stated that the barque crossed the Equator on the 6th February, and passed the longitude of the Cape on the 11th March. The barque visited south latitude as low as 48°, and there experienced strong N., and N.E. winds. No illness occurred during the voyage, but a passenger named Clifford who was walking the decks (as the phrase is), with his hands in his pockets, fell down and broke his leg. We understand the patient is rapidly recovering. The passengers speak in the highest terms of Capt.J.Smith, whose kind conduct and demeanour appear to have completely won their hearts. They have presented him with a testimonial of their gratitude, which appears in our advertising columns. Register 19/4/1855
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