Depart Date
Tuesday, June 20, 1865
Arrive Date
Saturday, September 23, 1865
Journey Notes
With 283 Souls; Government Assisted Migrants. After a near stranding at Marino Rocks. The Electric made a most admirable passage from Plymouth, having left on the same day as the Murray [1 July], and arrived but 24 hours after her. On clearing the Sound foul weather prevailed for several days, and in consequence she was some time before clearing the Channel; but Madeira was passed on the 12th July, and the Line on August 1st, in 26° 50' west. On August 29th, in 45º south, passed the meridian of the Cape, and the run along the southern parallel has been of a nature to test and establish the vessel's sailing qualities. She is a fine ship, and it would have been a matter of much regret had she wrecked on the reef below Marion. Register 25/9/1865.
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