Depart Date
Friday, May 19, 1865
Arrive Date
Friday, August 25, 1865
Journey Notes
With 283 Souls; Government Assisted Migrants. The Cornwallis made a most excellent passage of 83 days from Plymouth, bringing London papers dated June 4. Certainly, she is in capital trim for sailing, but even with that advantage it is remarkable she should have sailed the distance in the time, especially as it appears from Captain Vaile's report, the first start was during a prevalence of light winds and calms, and it was June 14 before Madeira was passed. The northeast trades were very scant, and on the 3rd July crossed the Line in 24° W., and the third day after was well over on the South American coast, but the southeast trades set in strong and she rounded the Cape on the 31st of the same month. The southern parallel was made fair progress over in 42°, and on making the land a favourable westerly wind continued till she reached the anchorage, when Pilot Allen boarded from the jetty boats, but in consequence of the vessel drawing only 14 feet one of the Secret service supplanted him, and there being ample water, she will moor in harbour today. Register 28/8/1865.
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