Depart Date
Thursday, April 10, 1873
Arrive Date
Wednesday, July 2, 1873
Journey Notes
The ship CITY OF ADELAIDE from London via Plymouth, arrived early Thursday morning, after a good voyage. The ship looks in first class trim; but although the greater part of the 'tween decks was taken up by the immigrants she has at times rolled excessively. The master reports long continued fine weather from the date of his leaving Plymouth until he crossed the Line. She left the Eddystone on April 18, when a northerly wind was blowing and on April 28 was in sight of Madeira. Then the craft made good progress till she reached 3° 13' N., where the brisk trades commenced, but were lost again before her nearing the Line. Strangely enough in the locality the wind came from the westward and under reduced canvas the CITY crossed in 18° W. on the starboard tack. By May 15 she had made progress to the southward, and picked up the trades in 3° 30', but they proved not equal to the usual average, and were lost on May 25. Strong north-west winds took her between Tristan and Gough's Island. On June 6 she rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 44° S., and a fine run across the Southern ocean was only interrupted by heavy weather on June 23. After running before a gale for a few days the ship was compelled to heave to. The main hatchway was secured and the ship brought to the wind till the violence of the gale moderated. On June 26 the vessel was off the Leuwin in 41° of south latitude, and she sighted Cape Borda on Tuesday night. Register, 4/7/1873
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