11/08/1858 - 23/11/1858

Ship Summary





Depart Date

Tuesday, August 10, 1858


Arrive Date

Monday, November 22, 1858

Journey Notes

The Victoria arrived late Monday night, and was not boarded until the following morning, when Captain Forss reported having left London on the 11th August, and on the 27th of the same month she had reached 29°49'lat., 18°57'W.,long., where she spoke the French ship Melanie, bound from Bordeaux to Bourbon. On September 18, in 8°24'N., 2°45'W., spoke the ship Viscount Canning, destination unknown. On September 28, in 28°13'N., 20°16'W., spoke the British ship Daniel Rankin, bound from Greenock to Melbourne. Register 24/11/1858


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