Journey Notes
Via King George Sound (12 Apr)
A bright look out was kept at Glenelg on Friday night for the P&O Steamer Hydaspes, as she was known to be a fast boat with new boilers, and as she passed Cape Borda at 12.50, she was expected between 8 and 9pm, and at 9.10 she dropped anchor in a good position not far from the hulk. The Fairy was promptly alongside with the mail agent and other officers, and left the Hydaspes at 9.35with a pretty heavy mail, which reached town at 10.30. The Hydaspes is the steamer which lately encountered such heavy weather on her voyage outward, and in consequence had to put back to Bombay for repairs, her screw having been seriously damaged in a gale in the Gulf of Aden. Her mails, it will be remembered, were brought on to Adelaide by the R.M.S.Assam. The passage out this time was a very fair one; with the exception of some rough weather off the Leuwin. The tug Eleanor and the York barge were in attendance on Friday night to take the Hydaspes' cargo, and she was announced to leave at 10 this morning. Register 17/4/1880
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