Journey Notes
Via Port Lincoln (31 Dec) & Wallaroo (28 Jan). H.M.S. Pearl is a first-class steam screw corvette, ship-rigged, of 2,178 tons, having engines of 400 horse-power nominal. She carries 17 44-pounder guns, which are old 64’s converted to suit new conical shot with a rifled bore. There are also two Armstrong 12 pounders for boat service or with landing parties. Her crew numbers 275 officers and men. She carries in addition about 20 supernumeraries, and left a considerable number of men a Sydney. The Pearl came to the Australian Station in September,1873, and was employed for six months on the station in ascertaining the opinion of the King and chiefs of Fiji relative to annexation to Great Britain. During that period Commodore Goodenough had been engaged night and day in the business; and it is mainly owing to his researches and exhaustive enquiry that when Sir Hercules Robinson went to Fiji he found the business of annexation to Britain much simplified. Commodore Goodenough has not yet had this credit assigned to him by the highest authorities, but it is proper to state that the Commodore at the banquet at Sydney was very highly complimented on the subject by Sir Hercules Robinson. While the ship lay at Sydney the amateur dramatic party on board gave a number of entertainments in favour of the charities of the place. On one occasion an entertainment given in aid of the Orphan Asylum realized for the Asylum the sum of £95 clear of all expenses.
The names of the officers are as follows:- Commodore, J.G. Goodenough; W. Wykeham Perry; Commander, Alex. P. Hastings; Lieutenants, Charles E. Reade, Arthur G. Fullerton, Wm. F. Carslake, Howard F. Hay; Navigating Lieutenant, Henry Hosken; Lieutenant Royal Marine Light Infantry, Henry Olive; Chaplain and Naval Instructor, the Rev. James Payton, B.A.; Staff Surgeon, Adam B. Messer, B.A.; Paymaster, William Nobble; Chief Engineer, Harry Williams; Sub-Lieutenants, Henry B. Elwyn, James Brant, H.C. Hawker, Andrew F. Duncan, H.A. Scudamore Stanhope; Navigating Midshipman, Henry Baker; Surgeon, Alfred T. Corrie; Assistant Paymaster, John P. Pearce; Engineers, William A Batte, Edwin C. Legh, James A. Cooke, Archd. Forrester: Midshipmen, Henry E. Goldfinch, His Serene Highness Prince Volbraith L.C. Lowenstein, Lioney A.W. Barnes, Walter R. B. Mellor, Douglas A. Gamble; Gunner, Thomas Hawkins; Boatswain, Joseph Leech; Carpenter, James Kirk. There are a number of Royal Marines on board. (Wallaroo Times) Register 2/2/1875.
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