Ship Summary






Arrive Date

Thursday, February 16, 1950



I was nearly 15 years of age when I left Maddiston in Scotland for Liverpool Harbour on Sunday April 20, 1952 with my parents Thomas and Margaret Hoggan and their children Stephen, Daniel, Helen, Constance, Preston, Candace and Yvonne on the M.V. Somersetshire sailing through the Suez Canal to Aden, Colombo, Freemantle, Melbourne and thence to Sydney arriving there early Monday morning on a glorious sunny morning in the loveliest harbour in the world on June 9, 1952. This year we celebrated 66 years of our arrival in Australia. I am surprised to note, that once on the M.V. Somersetshire website, there is no mention of this cruise, only one in 1951. All of the above named in my family are still alive except for my father and mother who both passed away well in their eighties. I was one of twelve children in the family, all of whom settled in Australia except for one brother who died at an early age in Scotland.

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