leigh martin (not verified) on Wed, 2020-02-05 07:32
Henry Summerford - my g grandfather
Henry and his family arrived on this ship. They lost a child Herbert on board on 4 March 1877. After arriving at "Port Misery" they were involved with the PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH, ROSEWATER. Henry and family were always involved with the church, stepping in to be a lay preacher at times, and this extended to his living in Melbourne, and then finally in Goodna Queensland.
Port Adelaide News (SA : 1878 - 1883), Friday 30 June 1882, page 5
'The members of the John Watson Lodge, L0J3.T. held an open entertainment in the Working Men's Association Hall, Fort Adelaide, on Wednesday evening, the 28th. The large hall was comfortably filled, and the programme which consisted of songs, duets, &c., was well carried out by members of the order and their friends. The Lodge Deputy explained the objects of Good Templary, which he believed were but partially known to the outside public, and closed his address with an earnest appeal to those who were not already pledged abstainers to at once become members of the Order. The greater part of the programme was sustained by juveniles in a very creditable manner, Bro. Summerford, their tutor, presiding at the harmonium. Bros. Stephens, W.C.T., and Corry, W.C., gave a duet which was well received. Bro. Howell, W.S., gave " The publicans ten Commandments;" Bro. Henly a song, and Bro C. Martin, P.W.C.T., a recitation-Sister Johnson gave a serio-comic song in excellent style, and had to submit to an imperative encore. Mr. Swann delivered an address, in which he showed the evil of intemperance, and the advantages of Good Templarism, Bro. F. Thompson, D.D.,also spoke showing with what wonderful rapidity thecause of Temperance was spreading throughout the entire world. He strongly urged men and women to become members of the Order, and assist in suppressing the drinking customs of the day. These open meetings are to be continued, and then conductors hope the public will avail themselves of the opportunity of spending a pleasant evening, and of becoming members of the Order of Good Templars.
He built a home in Alice Street Goodna, which is still in existence today - well over 100 years (with modifications of course)
He was still working at this time
Accident. - While working on his farm at Redbank Plains, Mr. H. Summerford, senr., met with a serious accident. He was on a staging, from which he fell, and
in falling his arm came in contact with a nail, inflicting a lacerated wound on the arm, which necessitated medical attention, and the insertion of several stitches.
Mr. Summerford suffered somewhat from shock, he having reached the advanced age of 80 years.
his death
31 Jul 1931 Queensland Times
GOODNA. Wednesday. Death of Mr. Summerford. At the Congregational Church on Sunday night, Mr. P. S. Thomas, (deacon), referred to the death of Mr. H. Summerford. Mr. Thomas stated that when he first came to Goodna about 37 years ago, Mr. Summerford was a great worker in the Church, and he had supervised the erection and building of the present church; and had assisted in removing the old church from the flood level to higher ground. He had occupied the positions of deacon, Sunday school teacher, and Superintendent, and lay preacher. A motion of sympathy was passed to the relatives.
Henry Summerford - my g
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