20/06/1859 - 23/09/1859

Ship Summary





Depart Date

Sunday, June 19, 1859


Arrive Date

Thursday, September 22, 1859

Journey Notes

The Orient.- The arrival of the Orient had been anticipated for about two days, when she sustained her reputation for regularity by heaving in sight of the Stations on the morning of Friday, being the 83rd day from Plymouth. She saluted Glenelg as she passed, but the mail-boat from that place did not essay to board her on account of the Orient keeping the usual offing for vessels bound from the straits to the Lightship, which anchorage was reached shortly after 9 o'clock. From the vessel's draught being 17 feet 6 inches, she there came to single anchor till the making tides afforded as sufficient of water to allow her to take the inner bar. To facilitate the landing of her passengers the steamer signal was made, and this was answered by the tug's prompt attendance; and as it was known a number of colonists were on board, the boats kept by private owners on the beach were manned and made several profitable trips in the conveyance of parties to and from the vessel. Captain Lawrence furnished cargo and passenger lists in duplicate, as well as the following particulars of the passage out:- Left London on June 20, and called at Plymouth for passengers. She left that Port on the evening of July 1, and up to the time of crossing the Line experienced light wind and calms, which retarded the earlier portion of her passage, so that the Equinoctial Line was not passed till the 2nd August, and on the 23 of the same month doubled the Cape of Good Hope, and made a good run to Cape Leuwin, since which period easterly winds have prevailed, so that her arrival was somewhat delayed. In the passenger list will be found one or two names of old colonists, whose return will be welcomed by many friends. Register 24/9/1859


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